recrut any (dev, idea, market, artist (pixel art 16-128px))

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From the Asset Store
Rotate & Animation for 16 Direction & Mouse Direction
  • I am launching an innovative project on construct 3, it takes the principle of the story game, games based on choices and not gameplay based on controls.

    It will be an editor like the construct already, but with much more restricted functionality, here is a list of basic and future elements taken into consideration:

    - animation (sprite)

    - animation (bone (spriter & possible create animator based on this plugin), I already use it I know its capabilities)

    - effect (particle, water)

    - collisions

    - a tilemap editor

    - a choice-based action editor

    - integrated payment for anyone

    The editor would be around 40-80 euros in one go with demo ideally.

    No remuneration planned but a sharing of earnings fixed according to the work provided, this is not under contract, so no certainty, I aim to recruit enthusiasts or simply people interested in this type of program.

    You first need results to judge.

    French, english human only

    I'm french ...

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  • Salut, j'ai pas tous compris de ce que tu voulais faire, mais entre français on peu ce serrer les coudes, si je peu aider, mais je suis pas très douer donc, mais dis moi quand même.


    Hi, I didn't understand everything you wanted to do, but between French people we can help each other, if I can help, but I'm not very good at it, so tell me anyway.

  • Not French, but interested, for a small fee.Originally a front-end developer, I learned a few other game engines and just started using constuct3.Maybe do some simple pixel animation?

  • je creer un tile_editor pour le moment

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