Hey all,
My game is getting closer to completion and one thing that still needs addressing is music and sfx. So, thought I'd make a thread here and see if we can work something out!
My game, currently (But not necessarily set in stone) titled Boss Man is a 2D sidescrolling platformer in the same vein as Super Mario World and Donkey Kong Country. The plot of the game involves the player being unfairly laid off from his miserable (But necessary) job by the evil Boss Man to make room for his cheaper, wackier, and noticeably more evil replacements. Seeking vengeance for this unfair turn of events, the player is tasked with making their way through the gigantic skyscraper of his former employment, hoping to reach the Boss Man on the top floor and get some payback for the misery he has been put through!
For this game, I'd like music that closely resembles the catchy themes from older SNES and Genesis games. I know it's more popular to go with chiptunes these days and may seem like an odd request, but I feel a 16-bit vibe is more fitting of my game.
To negotiate things like pricing and for more details, please shoot me a PM if you have any interest!