(PAID) Sprite Art Animators Wanted For RPG Satire-

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  • Hi, everyone,

    My name is Evan Wilder.

    First of all, I would like to say that it is nice to meet fellow excitable pixel artist and enthusiasts.

    Knowing that you could be anywhere reading this post, I want to keep this conversation short, brief, and sweet.

    I work with E.Wil Entertainment. What we are is an animation production company that creates high-quality animated shows onto the Internet. We are currently working on fourteen animated shows to premiere on Spring 2014.

    One of the shows that we are currently working is quite unlike any other show, called Post-Dollar. What makes this show is different is the animation style - which mimics the "old-school" 16-bit RPG animation. We are VERY excited about this show.

    There's just one problem.

    We are currently looking for animators for the show.

    We already have a concept sprite artist involved and even a character artist involved, however, we are seeking to build an animation team.

    This animation team will consist of:

    Character animators (sprite)

    Background animators (sprite)

    Shadowing animators (sprite)

    You can work from anywhere and this is a paid freelance position.

    For more information and to send us your work, please contact us at:


    I should let you know that this is a crowdfunding project, we currently raising the funds for production. Everyone gets compensated for working with us because your time and your talent is valuable.

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  • hi, is it a pixel artist that you are looking for? or just simple art animation ?

    my work is on my site and blog, if you are interrested just let me know by skype at bladesquad1


    blog : bladesquad.canalblog.com

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