Hi Friends,
I am really looking for buddies to help each other for unfinished projects.
what is in my mind !!
whenever you start making a game around midway a better idea came popping up in your mind and you start making that game thinking that these two game will go parallel and after that it takes the same route , and at the last, game keep piling up in our computer . I myself have 5 game started and stop in between, so i sought help with other buddies of C2 to came forward and lets us share our unfinished projects and at lest show them the light of this world.
# what you will get in helping each other, well, complete source code of the game and you can also use it on your project with little change.
# Come on, I know there are plenty of people who have plenty of game remained stalled and unused for years due to lack of interest and other priority in life.
# Bring all of your unpublished stalled games and lets share and begin to show these games light of world.
# lets give a try.
May be you all will not agree, but if any one of you have better idea tell me, i am in you boat. or came on my boat.
contract me samblue661 gmail. com