Hello everyone
Belini My name is Diego and I'm from Brazil, and as much here I have a dream to live with the development of games, so I have this serious project, I am working on it a couple of years at least. And does more or less four months I started using the Contruct2 to create something playable, have worked hard on it and have managed to turn around, but still need help. So I come to you and ask if someone with some experience in a "construct" and would like to work with me on this project and create something really cool ...
Follow the link below with what little I have done well to have the idea that as the game can be ... And do not think this is the artwork, my girlfriend is a Designer and an hour she is responsible for design and arts and how long it takes, I'm using frames I drew it just to ride the skeleton of the game ...
Well as I said aviation, I am working on this game for a long time, so I have thought him the whole structure, powers enemies story ... It's more or less in the way of Metroid, Castlevania ... Metroidvania where we need to exploit to get powers to gain access to new lands and porder to face certain enemies, I believe it is a very good material already created and would love to invest in this idea and create something really cool ...
Thank you for your attention and follow my e-mail to contact if there is interested in working with me.
Sorry for my english, I'm using Google translator = P