[Free/Paid] Experienced Female Voice Actor Looking to expand portfolio

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From the Asset Store
professionally animated character with Spine Pro !
  • Hello Everyone!

    I am currently looking for more projects to voice act in.

    My Experience:

    Projects that I've Voice Acted in/Currently Voice Acting in include:





    *Dynalar Advanced Body Mods Commercial by Madqueen - Did Commercial Voice Over


    Projects I would love to be a part of/have experience Voice Acting in include


    *Short Original Animation Videos


    *Audio Books

    My Vocal Range varies from Squeaky Voiced Creature/Child to Teenager/Young Adult/Adult

    You can listen to the many voices I can do in my Demo Reels below!



    More on My SoundCloud


    Conditions for work:

    1. I will work on Projects for FREE as long as you do not intend to sell your work.

    2. If you intend to sell your project, to be fair, because you are gaining a profit from my work, I must be commissioned.

    *I accept payment through revenue share via a fixed one-time commission and I am happy to accept any commission within your budget.

    *For audiobook recordings, I will need to be commissioned $1 per line for the lines you need me to record. (This is mainly because audio books can vary from 100-10,000 words and it may take longer to record and edit my vocals as I'll be reading paragraphs instead of lines.)(Plus there is a higher risk that my work could go unused if the author decides to change platform to tell their story, so I would rather be paid accordingly for my time and effort.)

    If you would like to work with me, you can reach me

    Email: littlemissyotomeoad@gmail.com


    Discord: Little Missy Otome#5903

    *Please note: if it is a paid gig,I will only be accepting commissions from people who are 18 and above.

    If you have any questions, please comment below by replying to this post.

    Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you!

    -Little Missy Otome®

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  • I am currently closed for service for now and will update this post when I am open again.

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