Construct 2 Developer Wanted

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  • 6 posts
From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • We are looking for a developer to build some programs using Construct 2. The programs will be educational technology used to teach students in grades 6-Geometry how to do math.

    Please respond with a sample of a program you have created using construct 2. Please also let us know the rate you will charge by indicating how much you would have charged for your sample program.

  • Hi, do you want the program to be build from scratch, or are you proiding assets (images, sounds, what exactly you want the program to do, etc)?

  • Howdy-- i thought i would reply to your ad, as that is the type of work i do every day. Here is a link to some of my recent projects:

    -- "" && i have excellent local references on request. Thanks.

    kind regards, mark pouncey -- owner RedFlagMobileDotCom

    Phone:             404-721-4073        24 / 7 / 365

    Price: I am flexable.

  • Could you provide a snippet of a lesson plan you would like made? I can create a HTML5 demo. michael.j.piercermv@isometricrobot [dot] com

    Price: Whatever you find fair.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Please respond with a sample of a program you have created using construct 2. Please also let us know the rate you will charge by indicating how much you would have charged for your sample program.

    Pretty much writing 2 games in parallel as of now.

    I figure an educational game would anyway be less strainful than that :)

    I used to teach kids too, if that helps in understanding a educational game requirement better.

    Might want to share some plan details at ?

    Price: Flexible depending on the work.

  • I created before selling this summer. I'd be interested in what you are considering. We did get our site up to 20000 uniques per day.

    I'm at

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