Hello everyone,
I am thinking about trading game mechanics and trying to figure out how to make some calculations or decisions in a trading game. I am talking about costs like trading goods, price differences according to cities or building cost of a farm which will give you profit of 1,000$ in a month etc.
Thing in my mind is not a simulation kind of game which depends on multiple conditions and variables like in "Capitalism II" but something much more simple like trades in "Sid Meier's Pirates". So i don't think i will need most accurate precision or complex calculations which depends on thousand variables. However i have to keep the balance of the game.
As I am not an economist and not very good at math, i don't know if there are equations for this kind of problems. So i think may be i can decide them myself without an equation. So those prices & costs (kind) of will depends on my instinct if you get what i mean.
What do you guys think about it, how can i keep the balance and avoid of unrealistic prices?