The method i'm using right now isn't the most graceful, but it seems to be working out so far. I'm drawing my characters on paper, outlining them in black ink and then taking a picture of it with my phone. From there i import the image into my computer, open Gimp and pull up the image. I use the color select tool to select the black ink and then delete the surrounding area that was the paper. Then i have a hand drawn image to color and shade as i need! It's an odd way of doing things probably, but when you lack good tech you gotta improvise! You don't even wanna know all the crazy crap i go through for my pre rendered games.
I am quickly noticing how much more fluid Spriter's animations are than traditional frame animation. That deformation tool is really something too!
Whatever works! I agree. You can not let things stop you. I made most of Adventures Of DaKoo with a mousepen tablet from genius that my dog had chewed, held together with duck tape lol. Never went to art school or even an art class after the 7th grade, I learned to draw on packing & printer paper etc. I always thought If you have passion and are will to make it work you can get a lot done. The phone is an awesome idea. As long as the phone is parallel the pics should be just as good as a scanner if all your looking for is the line art! Great thinking I will probably use it too;)
BTW, I didn't even know the deformation tool had been added, I will have to check it out asap. My Anims are nearly all transfers from still frame Anims.