Grand Ambitions

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  • Hello! I am new to Construct 3 and have a quick question for the community. I have been a pixel artist for years but suck at coding (too right brain for the math I think).

    I have had this idea to create a grand strategy game set in space and wondered if that was possible within Construct 3?


  • You should elaborate more but a simple answer is yes

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  • I agree with JonathanGaVa, the simple answer is yes.

    I can also sympathize with you. I'm more of a right-brain person as well. My advice is to view the non-pixel art aspects of game development as a creative exercise. It is a lot like learning to use a new form of media. You won't be very good at it at first (this might be frustrating) but the steady improvement will start to become very rewarding.

    I'd also suggest making a more modest game at first. You can still throw your desired artistic aesthetic at it but keep the scope of the mechanics very tight. This will help you get to grips with Construct 3 and your good graphics can make a simpler game very engaging for players.

    I've taken a similar approach. My first completed game with Construct 3 is a top-down puzzle game. I opted for EGA graphics as a challenging creative constraint. While I do love puzzle games, my "dream game" is not a puzzle game. But everything I've learned making Horace Hagfish has put me many steps closer to being capable of actually making that "dream game"

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