I want to make countries of the world game ... help!

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Game with complete Source-Code (Construct 3 / .c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
  • Hello. So I'm working on a game that is the learning countries of world, right now I'm collecting the graphic assets of the game, and when you select a continent there will be a scroll menu to select the countries, when a country is selected it's gonna be highlighted on the continent's map then on enter the country's map will be shown and some info, the thing is I need images maps for all the countries in the world, if anyone has an idea on what is the best way to do it instead of using a lot of images, if there is an online tool to crop images in an easy way, or like an easy implementation and assets for that, or even an open source maybe for the maps of all the countries? idk please some help here!!


  • You can integrate a plugin like this for maps, but this is for Wordpress but anything similar would work like a charm: interactivegeomaps.com

    Its in Javascript so you can implement the plugin into construct in an iframe.

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  • You should try Canva. I recommend the paid version. It has tons of assets and animated content; you can create original designs. I believe its TOS states you can sell products made with it.

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