Is there a way to create free 'patches' to update an existing C2 game?
That is, if I hypothetically had a 150 MB game (aimed at multiple platforms offline and online) at v. 1.0, for example, and I made a series of minor changes which only modified or added 5 MB of game data, would there be a good cross-platform way to release those changes as a version 1.1 patch/update without actually requiring players of the first version to re-download the entire game?
It'd be nice for those players, if they could just download the 5 MB that has actually changed instead of having to re-download the whole 150.
Now, this is not an issue for me right at the moment, but I'm in early stages of making a fairly large graphics-heavy C2 game and this is something that might end up being important to me a few months from now. You never know - players might discover a bug I miss during testing, and I might need to release a patch after that to fix it.
I haven't seen anyone discussing how to do this, so I thought it'd be worth bringing up.