Hi Rex, I like the idea of your plugin to ensure a smooth sound transition.
Another issue I've been trying to solve is to allow C2 to play sound streams instead of just sound files. I found a way of doing so by using an external
javascript call with the browser object:
Browser.Execute Javascript "var audio = new Audio('http://onefm.ice.infomaniak.ch:80/onefm-high.aac');audio.play();"
This works fine and allows me to play a local radio station streamed from their website. The only issue I have is I can't stop the sound,
as I don't think there's any way in which I can retrieve the audio pointer that is assigned above to the issue the following javascript command
in the same way:
Browser.Execute Javascript "audio.pause();audio.currentTime = 0;"
Because of this, I was thinking of writing a new plugin based on the standard C2 audio one. Do you think you could integrate a "playstream"
command to your audio plugin? This would really help me tremendously (avoiding having to create a plugin just for this issue) and I'm sure
would prove to be a valuable addition for the C2 community.
Let me know what you think. Cheers.