[plugin] firebase

From the Asset Store
Firebase Analytics Web App, ( Firebase SDK version 10.0.0 )
  • Update

    rex_firebase_authentication : fix a bug when login at start of layout.


    • change "condition: on get body error" to "condition: on get unused body", which can be used to initial slot body.
    • cache saved data when call "action:save", so it can read latest data without loading.
    • add messages shown at debug panel.

    Here is a sample capx to save user variables by this plugin.

  • Hi,

    I move backendless plugins into this thread, and remove parse plugins in the first post of this thread.

  • Update

    rex_firebase_apiV3: upgrades api to 3.3.0


    • shows current user properties on debug panel
    • add "Action:Link to facebook", "Action:Link to google", "Action:Link to email-password" to link current user to another authentication providers.

    ( sample capx - link to facebook , link to email-password )

  • Good Morning. How are you doing?

    The firebase plugins works on android? Thank you very much in advance.

  • I've tested them. The plugins are compatible with Cordova(Phonegap) for mobile apps.

    Notice that if anyone use the Firebase Authentication Plugin to build Cordova project,

    you have to add "In App Browser Plugin" to make it work. You may find "In App Browser Plugin" from plugin-cordova-related-c2-plugins-crosswalk_t109586 Cranberrygames's work.

    Good Morning. How are you doing?

    The plugin "firebase leaderboard and firebase authentication" works on android? I already have the cranberry plugins. Thank you very much in advance.

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  • Wolney

    firebase authentication has several authentication providers -

    1. built-in email & password login, it should be worked in mobile phone with Cordova(Phonegap).

    2. other three party authentication providers like facebook or google+, the problem is how to pop-up login window in mobile phone. It might need other plugin like "In App Browser Plugin". But I do not have any experience of Cordova(Phonegap)

  • rexrainbow

    Hi, rex. I didn't tested, may be you. Does firebase support real-time game for 4-6 players or it will be laggy?

  • The latency might be larger than 100ms (data transfer between Taiwan and American I guess), since firebase uses websocket.

    You could try this testing, which is multiple-players on a big map.

    • arrow key to move your character

    Here is a comparison table of back-end services. The best solution for multiple-players ACTION game is official multiple-player plugin, imo.

  • rexrainbow

    Official multiplayer better than photon? Do you know?

  • Official multiplayer uses webRTC, which support p2p, and official MP has latency compensation, it is very important for ACTION game.

    Photon uses websocket, which needs a center server to transfer messages, so the latency will larger than official MP ideally.

  • Wolney

    firebase authentication has several authentication providers -

    1. built-in email & password login, it should be worked in mobile phone with Cordova(Phonegap).

    2. other three party authentication providers like facebook or google+, the problem is how to pop-up login window in mobile phone. It might need other plugin like "In App Browser Plugin". But I do not have any experience of Cordova(Phonegap)

    Thank you Rex. I will hope that someone has an example of the construct and Intel XDK. Thanks for everything.

  • Hi, i am having some problems with this magnificent plug in, i have a two layouts project, with one of them writing on firebase and the other one reading, i am using itemtable to read and write from the database.

    When i launch the application, if i enter the second layout, the ranking, it reads ok, but the moment i enter the first layout, the one that writes, even if i don't do anything, when i enter again the second layout, it doesn't read from the database anymore, is there something i am missing?

    Edit with more info: i have used two different tags when loading the itemtable, and even two differente instances of itemtable for reading and writing, and it is always the same, the moment i get into layout 1, the 2nd one stops working

    More edit: it is related to itemmonitor, wich i am also using to check for changes in the Database in Layout 1, if i remove all instances to itemmonitor evertything works, but i need it, i tried to stop the monitor everywhere but keeps locking the queries of L2 afer i enter L1

    Final though: when i launch the Start Monitor is when it crashes, even if i stop it right away... is there a workaround or is it a bug?

  • Qel

    Please provide a very-very simple capx which only has necessary objects and events for debugging. I could not imagine what happen through your post, sorry.

  • Thank you rexrainbow

    When i was trying to simplify the capx i realized where the error could be, i filter the select from the database by date, from-to

    if i remove the conditions it works always, if i don't, it only works while i don't enter the first layout, it works if i go in and out the third layout, wich is only a menu.

    FINAL EDIT, i am an idiot, thanks for your patiences, watching the image i realized it couldn't be a database or plugin problem, because it was using CuritemID for filling the table, so, it was correct, i took a look at the variables "hasta" and "desde" (to and from) i was using and they were empty!! thanks for your patience again and sorry

  • Qel

    The next generation of rex_firebase_itemtable is rex_firebase_itembook, which contains multiple tables and it can modify multiple items across these tables in an atomic write process. i.e. values will be changed at the same time, and it has querying function to pick items by a single condition.

    Therefor you could use itembook to query items by a single key condition.

    Querying in firebase is limited, uses backendless if you need powerful querying features.

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