can someone post some tutorials and step by step guides in making a slingshot game
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Sure thing. Here's something I made a while back:
I haven't commented this yet, but if you need more help understanding it I'll comment it this weekend for you.
i like it .. so cool, i try to observe and try to understand how you do it but it seems so complicated for me..^_^
Can u help me in understanding and can u post a basic tutorials on how to create this slingshot game.. many thanks
Sure, I can't do anything today or tomorrow, but I'll make you a tutorial version of it over the weekend.
thanks, ill w8 for post ^_^
I pm'd you about it I think, but I'll update this post with the cap once physics is fixed (next build I believe).
I'll wait for it as well^^
Alright, I downloaded the physics fix (here: and was able to make sure the cap file worked. So here it is:
Hope it helps!
Moved thread to Tutorials subforum.
the .cap file dosn't open in construct 2 !!
can you give us .capx file?
Well, you're in the Construct Classic forum and that's why it's a .cap file. You can just try to recreate the same thing in Construct 2 if you like.