Really great idea for making tutorials, I might have to follow suit .
Thanks, and by all means feel free
I'd cover simple things like inserting objects, setting up a behavior
Do you really think I should start with these? I wanted to go basic, but that's pretty basic. I was kinda going for "So you've already done the Ghost Shooter tutorial and you don't know what to do next" sort of thing, like assuming that people had a basic knowledge of navigating the IDE and whatnot.
I suppose I could go that basic, if you guys think it's really necessary.
Anyway, I was kinda thinking of this as a lesson plan:
Lesson 1: Game structure. This would include how the objects and events are set up.
Lesson 2: Controls and animation. Mainly focusing on animation, but also how keyboard and environmental input is used to select what animation to play.
Lesson 3: Scrolling and parallax. Also, non-scrolling elements such as a HUD, score, the sign text, etc.
Lesson 4: Intro to detectors. How to get info from the environment to control tasks like manually adjusting the player's speed (moving platforms, springboards) and stopping the running animation when the player hits a wall.
Lesson 5: Customizing controls. Info on adding functionality to the default control scheme. Namely fast-running and double-jumping.
Lesson 6: More customizing controls. How to make a ladder, how to swim.
Lesson 7: Basic enemy AI. Make an enemy that patrols back and forth.
Lesson 8: Intermediate enemy AI. Make an enemy that chases the player around the level.
Lesson 9: Combat 1: Killing enemies.
Lesson 10: Combat 2: Player damage and death.
Lesson 11: Polishing #1: Making a game over screen, adding sound.
Lesson 12: Polishing #2: Making a menu screen.
If there's anything else you guys can think of that you'd like to see in there let me know.
And there's one thing that I really want to incorporate into a lesson, but I still haven't found a good way to do it, and that's how to make a jump-through platform. The best method I've found is to make it non-solid when the player is below, and solid when the player is above. This can obviously cause problems when you add enemies to the mix because they can intersect the platform while its solidity is changing.