Customizing the Car Movement for Tidus97 :P

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  • im looking to replicate the car movements up arrow function. accelerating towards the direction the sprite is facing..which would be sprite.angle. but i dont know how to add that speed. i tried everything in the physics section and some in the other


    Example removed. Problem solved.

  • oh..bummer. i need alot of math? thats going to be a real hold back if i cant simply set a speed for my sprite and make it go in the direction its facing... o.o;

    my sprite angle is equal to where the mouse is and it rotates at a set speed to view it, so all i really need is to apply a force or something to get it going in the direction its facing. -_________- this is tedious.

    TYVM for writing all that up, though. i am sure it will benefit more then just me.

  • thats going to be a real hold back if i cant simply set a speed for my sprite and make it go in the direction its facing... o.o;

    Wait... that's all you want to do?

    Jeez, man, just use Bullet Movement. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" />

    Set angle, set speed... bam, you're done. Just be sure to set the default speed in the properties to 0.

    I'm taking down the example I made so google doesn't shut down my googlepage...

  • Could you repost the math? It could be useful for something to me.

  • I didn't post an example of manually calculating speed and trajectory. I don't know how to do that. What I posted was a way to "hack" the Car movement, because Tidus97 said something about wanting the accelerate function and nothing else.

    Plus, I deleted that .cap.

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  • Tidus, is it a car movement that can rotate when you're stopped that you want?

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