Untitled is a game that I originally created for Ludum Dare #21 since then I have continued it and attempted to change it from being more art than game, into more game.
Untitled Website
IndieDB Page
* Color changing based gameplay, based on the Color Wheel
* Abilities are warm colors
* Traits are cool colors.
* Online Leaderboard
<img src="http://untitled.allaroundgames.net/data/img/untitled1.png" border="0">
<img src="http://untitled.allaroundgames.net/data/img/untitled2.png" border="0">
<img src="http://untitled.allaroundgames.net/data/img/untitled3.png" border="0">
<img src="http://untitled.allaroundgames.net/data/img/untitled4.png" border="0">
Beta 4 on Untitled website
Beta 4 on IndieDB