I'm going to make a composition program. I have piano sounds and I made a system of my own. It is:
There will be a crosshair thingy in the middle. The user will choose the note, type the length in an Edit Box (eg: 2 for 2 seconds, 1,5 for 1,5 seconds) and when he presses "Add Note", the note will spawn at the crosshair thingy. I made a line which goes 400 pixels per second horizontally so that means it will take 1 second to finish a 400 pixels rectangle. When the user types the length (eg: 1,5), it will be multiplied by 400 ( which makes 1,5 . 400 = 600 pixels ) and it will be given as the rectangle's width.
It won't work or it won't work nicely because I'll have to think of a new system to set the width of Text and the hotspots and imagepoints etc all that.
So in short: a Text BOX would be so much appreciated.
I know it sounds complicated but I had done this before but I had to draw different sprites for each note and their lengths and I was very limited. I made more than 100 bmp sprites just to finish an octave ( 12 notes).