[quote:tl0o5nwo]Is there a way to type the tab character ('\t') when setting text in a text box?
Two ways come to mind:
1. Type tab in Notepad and copy/paste it over.
2. Use the python expression: python("'one\ttwo'")
[quote:tl0o5nwo]How many spaces is this tab?
Measure it and see.
[quote:tl0o5nwo]Is there a way to set the tab spacing amount?
You can do this manually by using a bunch of spaces instead of tab.
[quote:tl0o5nwo]Also, is there a way to set the width (eg. 4 spaces)
EditBox has an action for that: "Limit Text"
[quote:tl0o5nwo]alignment (left or right)
Left is default. Right is not possible without using the winapi through python.