I'm creating a menu for my game.. see below:
<img src="http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/6896/fkk.jpg">
[Click here if u can't see the full image]
Well, i think the picture speaks for itself.. it doens't work
Can someone tell me what's wrong there? thanks in advance.
Get rid of the 'Every 1 milliseconds" conditions.
A cap file is always more useful than a picture. The events look sound, except for the "Every 1 milliseconds" conditions (remove them, they aren't necessary). I made my own cap file with the same 4 events and it works fine for me. What does it do in your cap? You said it doesn't work. Does it do nothing or does it only partially work? I need more details.
I removed the "Every X seconds" condition, but it still doens't work.
i'm uploading the .cap file now.. hold on a min :p
[EDIT] Problem fixed, thanks to everyone
If you still want the .cap file, send me a PM :p
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