Record Movement (like Braid)

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468 Dwarf vocal sounds recorded with a professional voice actor
  • Hi! Has anyone an ide how to record monement, and then replay it with an new player?

    Like in Braid.

  • Is this something like your talking about?

    Movement Recorder/Player

    Press R to start recording and press S to stop, then press P to start playing back the recording. The file sizes for a recording this size would end up pretty large for long recordings with lots of objects, so it would probably be a good idea to figure out how to record less points and then interpolate the data for tweens. Hope this helps.

  • Wow! Thank you

    Yes, just what I needed.

    That was fast

  • Is this the best way to do this?

    I tried this with my super speed example, looks cool

    But i just wanna know if this is the best way to do this sort of thing or is there a slightly more cpu efficient way of doing it? With the multiple objects i just made each one a container with a list box each, then just used the same events you made.

    Works well, I just don't know if this is like, cpu intensive or what, especially when it gets to a full game level

  • Is this the best way to do this?

    I tried this with my super speed example, looks cool

    But i just wanna know if this is the best way to do this sort of thing or is there a slightly more cpu efficient way of doing it? With the multiple objects i just made each one a container with a list box each, then just used the same events you made.

    Works well, I just don't know if this is like, cpu intensive or what, especially when it gets to a full game level

    It could probably get pretty CPU intensive with to many objects. As I said though, the possibility exists to record less points in time and then interpolate the positions between each key frame. You'd want to ask somebody better than me at math how to do it, though.

  • Yeah i was already thinking of ways to interpolate it, i was thinking something like, instead of recording the position and angle by themselves, record the position, angle AND it's speed, then play it back at larger intervals and let construct fill in the middle bits.

    Some questions

    Does the normal list object work in the same way?

    Would using the ini object to do this be more cpu intensive?

    And about inis, can you make them a binary resource?

    or am i better off just using the listbox object?

    Thanks for the awesome idea anyways, definately gonna use it

  • Recording speed and the like sounds like a good idea.

    As for the list object, I really don't know how it works. I also haven't really messed around with the INI object so I don't know much about that. So, as far as I know, the list box is the best way to do this, but I could be wrong.

    And you're welcome.

  • Having a few problems, how do you convert a gettoken thing into a value?

  • Like this:

    int(GetToken) or float(GetToken). Int will round your numbers due to the very nature of integers while float will leave them the same.

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  • thanks. legend

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