Hey Guys!
Not even near this point of the game design but I wanted to ask now incase I do decide to use it for something else.
I am working on a 2d platformer - I want an NPC to follow my movement to the end of the level but I want it to be delayed. Examples of this are Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Spirit to name a couple.
I know it has something to do with actually controlling the npc with a lag in the controls but I'm not sure how to go about this in construct.
Off the top of my head I think of getting the angle, animation, speed etc. from the main player sprite and putting a timer on it... but I can see that causing a stutter. Maybe using a bullet behavior to control the npc?
Thanks for the help in advance! I'm loving making this game - too bad I can only do it between 8pm and 2am...