Hello again!
I have been talking with a programmer friend regarding performance in CC, we have been analyzing it with the direct X PIX app, and noticed that for each object, construct generates like, 10 scaled instances of each object for mip map scaling, as these are probably not necessary for what I am doing we were talking about making some modifications to construct for our specific use, max performance, lowest memory overheads.
So there's 2 questions..
1 - Are these mip maps necessary? it's practically doubling VRAM.
2 - We can't build CC because we don't have the profUIS file ProfUIS284ym.lib - and even if we buy the latest version, it seems that the version of this lib may be newer, and therefore leaving us unable to build CC even if we do pay the $100+ for it.
has anyone managed to make a build of the CC source?
I mailed Ashley regarding it, but haven't got a reply, so I dunno if he's just (understandably) extremely busy or just not wanting to discuss the distribution of the profUIS ProfUIS284ym.lib file..