Maze games

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Ball maze is a mobile game, where you have to win the maze.
  • Hi I am Doc Ai

    I have just installed construct classic r2 thinking it is better than Game maker 8.1.I hope so.

    I can't quite get along with the interface because I am accustomed to the Game maker for a while now.

    First of all,I want to make a maze game.It's pretty easy in Game Maker but not sure how to begin with construct.(Not sure how to get familiar with the interface and how to begin with at all.)

    Game maker has a tutorial included in the setup which helps to get along easily.I tried in vain searching for maze games here in this forum.

    Any help to get familiar?

    For maze games,I would appreciate if anyone of you provide a CAP file(Not too hard I think <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> }

    Also,whats better?construct classic or 2?

    I heard that 2 is not yet finished and lacks most features present in the classic.   <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Most importantly,I want the games to be saved in the form of .exe .

  • Welcome to the forums! You can grab my example files/source codes from the link in my signature which might help!

    As for "what's better", it really depends on where you want your game playable, and if you can tolerate the strange bugs Construct Classic can have.

    I'd recommend Construct 2 overall, but you can use Construct Classic to learn they way Construct 2 does things.

    Construct tools in general are amazing, and out of everything I've used before they are the best for 2D games.

  • Welcome to Construct! It really is a nice tool. The interface is different from GameMaker but it's really easy to pick up. Play around with it a bit.

    Making a maze type game would be super simple. A protoype could honestly be put together in less than 20 minutes. Look into 8 way movements and solid objects. Follow the very first tutorial in the tutorial section. That will give you an idea of 8 way movements and behaviors. Then look at the manual for solid objects. This is also a behavior. After you look into these the lightbulb will just click.

    Essentially, you want a player sprite with 8 way movements. You can adjust the 8 way movement behavior to only respond to 4 way if you want (left, right, up, down). Then you need you wall pieces for the maze. You'll assign the solid behavior to these. Assigning the solid behavior will restrict the player from moving through the sprite (wall). Build your maze on the layout with the wall sprite.

    It's so much easier than it sounds. Let me know if you're still confused after reading those two things and I'll make a quick CapX file for you.



    Solid Behavior in manual (Also has links to 8 way movements):

  • mepis Jayjay, While trying that tutorial(beginners-guide-to-construct-2) ,I just noticed that Construct classic does not have the Bound to layout and Scroll to behaviors. <img src="smileys/smiley7.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Where can I get these?

    8 directions movements include acceleration.I want my player to move at a certain speed without any acceleration.It should move at that speed when I press the direction keys,instantly. What can I do now?

    • use construct 2
    • setting acceleration to absurdly high amounts will make it move at max speed instantly
  • - use construct 2

    As I said earlier,I want to save my games in the .exe format. Construct 2 allows only HTML5 format. If there are any plugins or whatever for .exe exports,I will gladly consider using construct 2.

    Anyway,does C2 have everything CC has?

    Doc Ai~

  • do not worry I have not tried classic and it has worked great for me

  • Doc Ai

    The Construct 2 (C2) behavior "Scroll to" is the same as Construct Classic's (CC) "center view on me" attribute. Click on an object and browse the property panel on the left to find attributes. Also "Solid" is an attribute in CC.

    "Bound to layout" is new for C2 but the simplest way to do it in CC is to put a tiledBackground object with the solid behavior just outside the whole edge of the layout.

    Also with a C2 licence you can export to exe with node webkit. It's one of the export options.

    nyway,does C2 have everything CC has?

    No, they are very similar but they both have features that the other doesn't have.

  • the simplest way to do it in CC is to put a tiledBackground object with the solid behavior just outside the whole edge of the layout.


    hmm. <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> How do you do that?I can only see solid alone,there are no properties just for solid attribute

    Nice dog   <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    ~Doc Ai~

  • The solid attribute is the same as "solid behavior" would be in Construct 2, ticking that box makes the object solid to the built-in movement behaviors.

  • The solid attribute is the same as "solid behavior" would be in Construct 2, ticking that box makes the object solid to the built-in movement behaviors.


    I know that.I just want to know how to "put a tiledBackground object with the solid behavior just outside the whole edge of the layout."

  • Oh right sorry. This would just be creating a tiled background object (instead of sprite) and then giving it the Solid attribute and copying + pasting it around each edge of the layout/level.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Oh right sorry. This would just be creating a tiled background object (instead of sprite) and then giving it the Solid attribute and copying + pasting it around each edge of the layout/level.

    ah.Now I understand but why should I use a tiled background instead of a sprite?

  • The reason is arbitrary. You could use a sprite if you like.

    Edit: Tiledbackground doesn't have per-pixel collisions, it only has bounding box collisions so it should be a bit faster for collision checking. Of course you could set the sprite to use bounding box instead of per-pixel at which point there would be no difference.

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