Jelly effect with sine behavior : how to sligthly slow down

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From the Asset Store
Game user interface pack with jelly theme for creating casual and puzzle games
  • Hi there,

    I'm working on a cap in order to make a simple jelly floor.

    Here is my cap (sorry I can't post links because of limitations so I've removed the https : // ) :

    Here is my problem : in my cap, the sine behavior starts when the player is on the ball but it never stops... until the player get off the ball and then, it stops abrubtly.

    I don't know how to make the sine behavior sligthly slowing down after it starts until it stops completly (and of course, starts again if the player move uppon it)

    Many thanks for your help in advance!


    // izioq //

  • I would look at Hooke's law regarding spring physics. You can accomplish a jelly effect with that equation.

    Here's a capx I made using the equation: ... ile%2ccapx

    I used it to create a jelly effect.

    edit: oops, just noticed this is in construct classic: anyways, here's the equation:


    k: how strong the spring is.

    x: the distance between objects.

    c: dampening.

    v: velocity of attached object.


    Self.vel = (-0.5*(Self.X-Sprite.X)-0.1*Self.vel)

    Self.X += Self.X+Self.vel

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  • Thanks for your quick reply I'll check that !

    However I would be very glad if someone could help me regarding my question about sine behaviour because I really would like to know how to solve it as well.

    tulamide any ideas ?


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