Help! wipeout style game help:)

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Game with complete Source-Code (Construct 3 / .c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
  • help on my project style wipeout game.

    I made a basic movement on the player and put 3 bots and one intem for randowm weapons.

    I need help on the player how the player get from the intem the randowm weapons like missile ,mines etc.. the same for the bots . only fire one time until get pass in the intem to get the randowm weapons the same for bots. and how to put bots follow randowm paths?

    tks. ... e.cap.html

  • it would help if you posted a cap file

    there are many ways to do this, and it might be different depending on how everything else works.

    but for starters

    there is a system expression for random

    like if you have 5 weapons, you can have them have a variable weapon held that equals random(4)+1 (a random number between 1 and 5) when they run over the weapon spawner

    and then have each weapon have a number associated with it

    and in the code for firing the weapon, the last step could change weapon held back to zero(which you can set to mean no weapons held)

    as far as random paths for bots, that totally depends on how the game moves. I'm guessing it's top down, but without a cap file, or a more detailed explanation of how the game works, there's not much advice to be given on that, other than to read the other threads where people asked for help with path finding

  • he did post a cap file

  • I upload the file in rapidshare.its just a basic to learn the engine if you send the file whit the exemple , to follow step by step how to do it, whit randomweapons etc...

    The engine is good but missing a fuction waypath editor for easy aplication i hope soon the engine have that command to add waypoit to the map.

  • Never use rapidshare to upload files, it sucks bigtime! Get dropbox instead; it allows you to upload your files to a folder on your pc which are synced with a master server. You can even edit your files in the folder and there would be no need to change the link.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Never use rapidshare to upload files, it sucks bigtime! Get dropbox instead; it allows you to upload your files to a folder on your pc which are synced with a master server. You can even edit your files in the folder and there would be no need to change the link.

    I smell a "DropBox II The Game" coming along sometime... starring Davioware! xD


  • LUCID can you post the randowm weapon exemple' i upload the new file whit 4 weapon and the intem box.

    Im noobie here ... Bsound.cap

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