Okay, I've been racking my head trying to figure this out.
I want to create a compare event that tests the speed, particularly the x-component of the current velocity, of a Sprite object. However, the closest expression I found was under the Platform Tab (Is moving), which doesn't let me check the actual value.
There is an event for comparing a private variable, and if you click on that, it shows some icons of the various sprites. If I click on that one, it shows the following fields:
Private variable
And than below all that, it shows some icons of the various sprites in my project. If I double-click on the sprite in question, it brings up a window called Construct : New expression, and if you look under the Platform tab of that window, it has a much more expansive list(I'm not going to list them all), but here
are some:
Get air deceleration rate
Get jump strength
Get gravity
Get angle of motion
**** Get X component of motion <---- I think I want this one.
I noticed that they all start with 'get', so I'm not quite sure if those are what I'm looking for. Unfortunately, clicking on one of these fields and than clicking on 'Next' just returns me to the Compare a private variable New condition window and doesn't seem to do anything.
Please help, am I missing something here?