That's what I want to avoid.
To give a wider perspective - I have a game where the player can see very far into the playing filed (meaning a lot of objects are visible), but only interacts with a few of them at a time (the ones closest to him).
I've tried handling visibility checks using "Per Pixel" collisions and overlap tests, but the performance was rather poor - that's why I thought of doing visiblity using "Angled Box", but switching to "Per-Pixel" for player interaction (collision, to be precise).
Due to the nature of the game, "Box" will not do - the objects are elongated Sprites, so "Box" would create a lot of false visibility positives.
Currently, I have it solved using a shrunk-down copy of the playing field set to per-pixel collisions - the performace is acceptable, but I have a large Event Sheet just for that purpose. Plus it complicates Pairing tasks.
Thanks for your assistance.