I wanted to try CC and when I installed it, it doesn't open.
Here's what I see:
After I downloaded that .DLL it tells me it's not a valid windows image... Any help?
Hady Hayman (IamHadzy)
I think it means direct x 9 needs to be updated. Keep in mind having dx10 or higher does not mean dx9 is up to date, and even if it looks like you have the latest version of dx9, you might not, as microsoft keeps updating dx9 and keeping the same version number.
Thanks Arima , I've tried to un-install and re-install it, The DirectX updater launches during the setup.
However, it closes right away, I guess that means it got nothing to update.
Can I update it in another way?
You can try this: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download ... x?id=34429
Arima Done, restarted .. Still file missing ..
NOTE: I've searched on my PC and found the file, copied it to CC folder.
Another file's missing But downloaded it and it worked! Maybe that DirectX update had the file.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Always install "redistributable" - tnij.org/ik8ancc
Don't mess with .dll files, just install DirectX 9c.
Sorry about "tnij.org", but I cant post links...