Hi guys. New project (almost finished, yay!), new problems and - I think - its easy one. Maybe you can help me?
So, I have yellow sprite with rotate behavior, and pink sprite with bullet behavior and condition that every 10 ticks yellow sprite spawn pink sprite at image point A, B, C and D, but all pink sprites have the same, uhm, end point. This looks bad.
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/3HQfPhv.jpg" border="0" />
I already set image point but this is not helping...
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/3dyhRZM.jpg" border="0" />
Another thing is that I want: pink sprite rotate around himself (spinning, you know), but when I use rotate behavior everything is messing with bullet behavior. Any solution?
Here is cap file: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16947862/test.cap
And here is Data folder, with music and sound files: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16947862/Data.7z
Enemy3 group is setting for bullets spawning.
I already tried BulletML but this don't work at all. Every pattern that I created on Kenta Cho website java mini app, don't translate well in CC.
P.S. 2