Does that work? I think I'm misunderstanding the algorithm. It seemed to me that it is based on having the array into which you insert a value already sorted.
E.g. if I have these values 4 8 9 3 5
If I have an empty array A into which these will be placed, then when I loop through, A = 4, and sorted since only 4 is there. Then on the next loop, A = [4 8] and sorted. THen when I try to put in 9, again, it's going into a sorted array A = [4 8 9] and so on and so on.
With your suggestion, every value goes into a jumbled array, on the first iteration, A = [-1 8 9 3 5] = [8 9 3 5] and I'm trying ot put 4 into this unsorted array. This is why I'm confused. I can't tell whether the algorithm will work the same in both situations. My thought is that I need to have another Array B, and then do something like loop through all values of A, and sort them over in B (then copy B to A).
Since you're busy and the python algorithm is good (I looked it up it compares favorably to most others) I think I'll go ahead and use that since it's really easy to use. Thanks for showing me how and figuring out what sort it is :)