Ok, so I'm fairly certain there's no Resource Bar anymore. (It's still in the wiki, and the Object Bar isn't, but that's a different issue) I could probably go back and pore through the changelogs and see when that happened, but I'm guessing it was with the release of 0.99 (do I win a cookie?)
So there's that neat little tree hierarchy in the Project Bar instead, and sections for "Sounds" and "Music" and "Fonts" and whatnot. That's what I want to discuss.
"Sounds" can be .WAV or .OGG, which is awesome, and probably typical of what most people need.
On the other hand, "Music" could probably use a tiny bit of fine-tuning. Presently, you can choose from:
- .WAV files. Alright. No sense restricting your options, I guess, but heaven help you if you're including music of any length, because you're talking tens of megs per file.
- . MP3 files. Cool. Standard enough that they should be here, and it's what everyone associates with music anyway.
- .WMA files. Neat, whatever. Although I don't care for the format personally, I'm sure people use it for music, especially music they got from other places.
Notably, though, you can't include .OGG files in "Music." Which seems strange, given that it's a format made for, you know, music. Not that it's not a perfectly good format for sound effects as well, but it would be nice to say "Hey, Construct, I want to stop whatever music is playing" instead of "Hey, let's figure out what channel I arbitrarily set the music to, which will of course be listed as a sound effect and not music anyway, and stop it."
So, I suggest that little change be made. It's a pretty minor thing, really.
Of course, that's all completely moot right now, because resources simply don't seem to show up at all in the dropdown for the XAudio2 object, regardless of whether they're in "Music" or "Sounds." I can only assume that's all something that's being worked on right now (I'm on 0.99.9, if that makes any difference). If this is a bug, rather than just the expected state of things, could someone let me know?
While you're presumably working on that, mind making the "Fonts" resource section actually work? It would be tremendously helpful, as presently the install packager doesn't seem to have the functionality to include fonts either, which means it's necessary to use a third-party installer if any non-standard fonts are being used in the game. That, in turn, means that the person installing the game needs to run the installer in Admin mode, and that just opens up a whole bucket of worms.
Ok, that's all I've got for now.