I'd love for there to be some sort of plugin that lets you give it variables with names, much like MMF's Associative Array (referencing that damn program again), that you then can save to encrypted external files. Basically just variables for that object that are save-able.
With an Array you can save and all, but everything is reached through the array positions. You'd make some sort of documentation of what goes where, but I think what makes an associative array easier is that you get a variable by its name. With an array you have to reserve spaces in it, and if you want to change maybe the amount of items a list can hold it would be a giant hassle to extend it if the list's values are stored in the middle of the whole thing. I guess multiple save files for one "save slot" helps, BUT STILL!
It's an easy way to handle saving. I don't know if you can replicate that already, maybe with an INI, but are you able to encrypt anything in Construct?
EDIT: I suppose one could make a Sprite and make its variables save to an array, and then you call for an array position's string to compare with the name of the variable of that sprite, somehow. Not sure if that would be slow though? And can an array store both strings and variables?