Thank you for bringing Audiere to Construct. This is great! It seems way more flexible and more intuitively set up than the default XAudio2 plugin. Plus, I don't run into weird "leftover" buffer glitches when interrupting channels and playing new ones (and thank god for not having to mess about with channels in the first place). :p
A question: I'm running into a very odd problem with setting the volume. If I add any value of 1 and below to the music's volume every tick (for a fade-in effect), the volume remains unchanged in value. Adding exactly 1.000001 to the volume per tick gets it to 31, where it mysteriously stops despite repeated addition, and adding 1.000002 per tick gets it to 63, where it similarly stops. I'm setting the volume this way: Audiere.GetMasterVolume+1.000002
Another example is: if you set volume to N, then the plugin will return that the volume was set to N-1, unless N is greater than approximately 96, in which case it will just return N. This sort of strange behavior makes me think that there are some strange math and/or datatype related hangups about the process used to convert the 0~100 volume value to decibels... or maybe the problem is with only the function used to return volume value?
Anyway, um... it would be totally super if you could look into this! I noticed that you stopped paying attention months ago, but I'd like to use this plugin if I possibly can. :p
This plugin has a conditions "autoplay" like in XAudio2??
Repeated sounds overlap each other in duration, so I assume that sounds are "autoplayed" by default.