Kub - Platform game for Android

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From the Asset Store
Wanting to do a Shot n Run game easily? Here is your chance!
  • Hi,

    Just showcasing a little game I've made. It's a simple platformer with some puzzles here and there.

    Grab the key to open the door to proceed to the next level (50 levels at the moment but there should be more to come).

    Hope you will like it ! ;) Any feedback welcome !

    Google Play Link

  • Very nice! This is cool. Nice intuitive gameplay, graphics and music. The level design is nice too and actually the ads are not too intrusive. I love these simple puzzle platformers.

  • Great ! Glad you like it Plinkie :) Thanks for your comment !

    (also, any rating much appreciated ^^)

  • Not sure where to rate, it wouldn't let me in the store but you got some ad clicks anyway. By the way there seems to be a bug in level 41 I always get stuck pushing the box and it messes up the level where you need timing between the fire, also that level is really frustrating!

  • I always get stuck pushing the box and it messes up the level where you need timing between the fire

    That's weird, how do you get stuck ? You mean like the crate wont move anymore ?

    Also yeah, that level might be a bit frustrating :) It's supposed to be hard, but maybe I could extend a bit the timing...will see.

    About the Google Play rating, yeah that's strange, nobody can rate my game atm, maybe I just need to wait a bit before Google make them available as it's just been released.. anyone knows ?

  • Yeah maybe you have to wait a while. Yeah you push the box so it's almost touching the fire so I can quickly get past but when I do it pushes the box only slightly and I get stuck under the fire, it happens almost all the time so it doesn't feel 100% reliable, I've switched from intuitive to the button controls so I'm using the right arrow.

  • Well I'm still not sure if I understand correctly, so I made a video while playing the level (sorry, crappy quality/framerate recorded with my phone). Do you see any difference with what you have ?

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  • Ok lol ignore me I tried it again. Looks like I wasn't pressing the button correctly but the outside of the button. I think it would've made sense to have the right arrow on the right side of the screen though kind of like when you start with intuitive.

  • Ok lol ignore me I tried it again. Looks like I wasn't pressing the button correctly but the outside of the button. I think it would've made sense to have the right arrow on the right side of the screen though kind of like when you start with intuitive.

    You can move the buttons to where you want if you'd like ;) (in the pause menu, all the buttons marked "move me" can be moved)

    Also intuitive controls might take a little time to get used to but I think it's worth trying as it's much better to use than buttons overall.

  • Ah ok I didn't see that! Yeah I didn't mind the intuitive control system, just changed to see what the buttons were like.

  • Played to level 20 on my chromebook. No issues. I love the atmosphere and the little details. Great work!

  • Thanks kidswithcrowns, glad you like it ! :)

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