blocky:the true story

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  • this came to mi mind one day so i decided it to write it in paper. the character design

    is inspired on the red ball games. and its story is about blocky an orphan cube child who is the son of the king of cubes. 200 years ago, redondius was defeated by red ball with the help of the cubes. the triangles had a prophecy that stated that redondius will reincarnate as red ballius (the grandson of red ball). when red ballius took the throne, he said that the cubes where a menace, inventing a fake story to manipulate his people and make them follow his commands. all factions of the balls allied with him. a minority that knew the truth and tried to stop him. he controlled every ball. and then he declared war to the cubes he invaded the kingdom killing half of the population. when he atacked the cube castle he murdered the king but not his son (blocky) who escaped the tragedy at the age of 5. he was rescued by the triangles who raised him and trained him. 15 years later he would find two brothers exploring the ruins of his old home. he heard them talking about defeating red ballius. the brothers were surprised when they saw blocky then they introduced their selves. their names are stupid Plummer and chicken green (inspired by the Mario brothers). blocky joined them on their journey to defeat red ballius and his minions.


  • this came to my mind one day so i decided it to write it in paper. the character design

    is inspired on the red ball games. and its story is about blocky an orphan cube child who is the son of the king of cubes. 200 years ago, redondius was defeated by red ball with the help of the cubes. the triangles had a prophecy that stated that redondius will reincarnate as red ballius (the grandson of red ball). when red ballius took the throne, he said that the cubes where a menace, inventing a fake story to manipulate his people and make them follow his commands. all factions of the balls allied with him. a minority that knew the truth and tried to stop him. he controlled every ball. and then he declared war to the cubes he invaded the kingdom killing half of the population. when he atacked the cube castle he murdered the king but not his son (blocky) who escaped the tragedy at the age of 5. he was rescued by the triangles who raised him and trained him. 15 years later he would find two brothers exploring the ruins of his old home. he heard them talking about defeating red ballius. the brothers were surprised when they saw blocky then they introduced their selves. their names are stupid Plummer and chicken green (inspired by the Mario brothers). blocky joined them on their journey to defeat red ballius and his minions.

  • > this came to my mind one day so i decided it to write it in paper. the character design

    > is inspired on the red ball games. and its story is about blocky an orphan cube child who is the son of the king of cubes. 200 years ago, redondius was defeated by red ball with the help of the cubes. the triangles had a prophecy that stated that redondius will reincarnate as red ballius (the grandson of red ball). when red ballius took the throne, he said that the cubes where a menace, inventing a fake story to manipulate his people and make them follow his commands. all factions of the balls allied with him. a minority that knew the truth and tried to stop him. he controlled every ball. and then he declared war to the cubes he invaded the kingdom killing half of the population. when he atacked the cube castle he murdered the king but not his son (blocky) who escaped the tragedy at the age of 5. he was rescued by the triangles who raised him and trained him. 15 years later he would find two brothers exploring the ruins of his old home. he heard them talking about defeating red ballius. the brothers were surprised when they saw blocky then they introduced their selves. their names are stupid Plummer and chicken green (inspired by the Mario brothers). blocky joined them on their journey to defeat red ballius and his minions.

    the music is made with AI.

  • yaw this real

  • ye this fak




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  • yaw this real

    yes im going to publish it

  • > yaw this real

    the game is finally published go check it out

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