I just added an exciting new feature to my daily word game!

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  • Word Dad (worddad.com) is a free daily word game where you drag Scrabble tiles to form words. Solve the puzzle and earn a dad joke!

    Players can form ANY words and I thought it would be fun to provide definitions for the words they create. (Including funny definitions!) My game dictionary has 14,586 words, so I got some help from chatGPT!

    Here are a few sample definitions:

    those (pron.): distant objects you can't quite recall the name of

    old (adj.): what your kids call you every time you forget something

    oiled (adj.): the state of your hair after you've used too much product

    lanes (n.): where you're always stuck behind someone slower

    pouch (n.): a kangaroo's version of cargo pants

    push (v): how your cat confirms gravity using the items on your shelf

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  • I had a chance to play your game. It's excellent!

    Lots of fun and so professionally done.

    Maybe, it helps that I'm a dad. :)

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