VS Code extension for javascript and typescript projects

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Two levels with two sistem Wave. with Source-code (.c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
  • Hi, I have a question. Do I have to Regenerating definitions every time I get a type using type. If I don’t redefine it, it doesn’t give me any clues

  • chunchun, hmm that's weird. You should only need to regenerate the definitions if you add new objects etc. in Construct. That looks like it might be a VSCode bug as that bit's not handled by the extension at that point

  • chunchun, hmm that's weird. You should only need to regenerate the definitions if you add new objects etc. in Construct. That looks like it might be a VSCode bug as that bit's not handled by the extension at that point

    Hello, I have the same problem on two different computers! Is there a way around this? -Use “Type”a lot. can only be “Redefined”frequently, but each 'redefinition' has to wait 30 seconds or so.~~~If there’s anything I can do, anything I missed, please contact me

  • Haematite Thanks for sharing and for all the efforts for supporting this project of yours!

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  • szabesz hello, can i contact you somehow?

  • > chunchun, hmm that's weird. You should only need to regenerate the definitions if you add new objects etc. in Construct. That looks like it might be a VSCode bug as that bit's not handled by the extension at that point

    Hello, I have the same problem on two different computers! Is there a way around this? -Use “Type”a lot. can only be “Redefined”frequently, but each 'redefinition' has to wait 30 seconds or so.~~~If there’s anything I can do, anything I missed, please contact me

    chunchun I've just been looking at this and I think VSCode isn't picking up the definition file. If you add a file called jsconfig.json into the project (in the same folder as the c3.d.ts) with the following contents:

    { }

    It should work better.

  • > > chunchun, hmm that's weird. You should only need to regenerate the definitions if you add new objects etc. in Construct. That looks like it might be a VSCode bug as that bit's not handled by the extension at that point


    > Hello, I have the same problem on two different computers! Is there a way around this? -Use “Type”a lot. can only be “Redefined”frequently, but each 'redefinition' has to wait 30 seconds or so.~~~If there’s anything I can do, anything I missed, please contact me

    chunchun I've just been looking at this and I think VSCode isn't picking up the definition file. If you add a file called jsconfig.json into the project (in the same folder as the c3.d.ts) with the following contents:

    { }

    It should work better.

    Thank you. I found a solution. It is first generated using the plugin in vscode and then coded by itellij idea. He’ll automatically generate and complete everything.

    The only trouble is, I now need to open VSCDOE and itellij idea at the same time to encode

    If you have a chance, I’d like to see the itellij idea plugin.

    On the other hand, this plugin is great!

  • Hi~qoz@Haematite

    Recently, a number of apis for behavior and plug-ins have been added in construct3. Do you have time to add a new definition for the VSCODE plugin?

    Thank you so much!

    Also, are there plans to develop intellij version plug-ins?

    The plug-in is great!!!

  • Hi Haematite,

    I'm trying to use breakPoints inside the VS, but I'm not sure how I do it

    I want to add breakPoint inside a function and see the code stop in VS, how can I do it?

    Right now BreakPoints only work if I add them to the construct event sheet and then run the project on debug mode from Construct

  • Hi,

    I made a quick fix of this (very cool) extension to support new subfolders hierarchies (r309+).

    It's functional on my project (r324) but not fully tested !

    Here the .vsix file to install manually :


  • Hi,

    I made a quick fix of this (very cool) extension to support new subfolders hierarchies (r309+).

    It's functional on my project (r324) but not fully tested !

    Here the .vsix file to install manually :


    You should open pull request on the github repo to get the dev attention, or at least so that more people know and be able to test your code.

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