Hey there!
I use the Mongodb Realm Web SDK in my project. When the user inserts wrong login data and presses login there will be an error message in the chrome developer log.
But how can I get the error code in my app?
async function loginEmailPassword(email, password) {
const credentials = Realm.Credentials.emailPassword(email, password);
try {
const user = await app.logIn(credentials);
console.assert(user.id === app.currentUser.id)
return user;
} catch(err) {
console.error("Failed to log in.", err);
This is from the Mongodb documentation but it just won't log the error nor an error code. Nothing.
I found this and one of the answers included this but I don't understand it.
Please can someone with more programming knowledge than me explain to me how I can get the error codes from Realm so that I can tell the user why login didn't work?
Thank you very much!
I found out that the second of the error codes indeed is from the console.error command. Now I just need to extract the actual error message and code.
How can I turn the built in tokenat(text, index, separator) function into an actual Javascript function for the importForEvents.js scripts?
That's what I have so far:
function tokenat(text, index, separator) {
var result = text.substring(text.indexOf(separator) + 1);
return result;
But I'm too dumb to implement the index part for the case if there are multiple separators.