runtime.createWorker() HTML Export to

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  • Hello!

    I have been having fun learning how to use workers for some things. I have it working great on preview but when I go to export to HTML and upload to itch, I get a 403 error.

    I have tried different ways other than below such as "./repulsionworker.js"

    repulsionWorkerPort = await runtime.createWorker("repulsionworker.js");

    This all works in preview but not on

    Is this something that I can fix in my game or is it tied to



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  • HTTP 403 means "Forbidden", so this sounds like something to do with the server configuration on You'd probably need to talk to them about it.

  • I was able to solve eventually with some help from Mikal. Note that after I exported to html, I had to copy the worker.js file to the top level folder before rezipping for it to work.

    I also had the same issue when exporting to WebView2 which was also solved by editing the export by copying the file to the top level.

    In my main.js I created the worker as shown below.

    repulsionWorkerPort = await runtime.createWorker("./repulsionworker.js");


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