So, I may be dumb (and that's why I figured I should post this here before filling out an issue report on github), but here goes a compilation of minor "issues", so to speak, I've been having with scripting:
1. <IWorldInstance>.setAnimation("") is not recognized by the typescript definitions, and I therefore have to write (<IWorldInstance> as any).setAnimation("") for it to work.
2. I could not find any documentation on accessing image points thru javascript/typescript. <IWorldInstance>.getImagePointX(<name or index>) won't compile because TS thinks it doesn't exist, but then again (<IWorldInstance> as any).getImagePointX(<name or index>) works fine. If anything, I think <IWorldInstance>.getPosition() should probably support image points as arguments.
3. I could not find any documentation on using tilemap brushes thru script.
Please tell me for which of those I'm just being dumb, for which I should file a bug report, and for which I should file a feature request.
Ok, I've just discovered that:
1. setAnimation() and getImagepointX() are from the ISpriteInstance type.
2. the method getImagePoint() gets both axis.
Sorry for that