There is currently no API for this behavior. Therefore, the event table can only be called through runtime. Calfunction to perform this function
I do this:
First, you need to create a family that contains all objs, and then give the family conditional behaviors, such as moveto behavior.
Then create a new function nameed "move", whose parameters are uid (used to select which obj in the family to execute), endx, Endy, SPD.
Filter to the specified uid through the uid of the family, fill in the move to event in the action, select to position, and then fill in the parameters endx, Endy and SPD.
So you can call it in JS
For example, you want a object to use moveto
let a =runtime.objects.a.getFristInstance()
runtime. callFunction ("move",a.uid, 30, 30,100) //the specified object, to move to the position number, and the speed of movement