I'm also running into an issue regarding eventListeners in conjunction with the Mouse and Button objects... I've successfully got a toggle button working, that animates based on CSS styling... however, I'm unsure how to add properties like :hover, and :active through setCssStyle(), as I also want a button that only remains down while the mouse button is down.
I've got my "click" event listener on my button, and my mousedown/mouseup on the runtime, however it seems that click overrides the others, and the others only fire when the mouse cursor is not over a button, is there a way around this?
Ultiamtely, the desired behaviour is that its clicked, animates being pressed, stays in the down position regardless of mouse cursor location, and then releases when the mouse button is released.
I had thought it would make sense just to have a string that constantly reports the state of the mouse button, but that seems difficult to achieve here...