I'm writing a webRTC plugin for Construct 3
But I found out that RTC is not supported in globalThis and I even tested with the following code
function getBrowserRTC () {
if (typeof globalThis === 'undefined') return null
var wrtc = {
RTCPeerConnection: globalThis.RTCPeerConnection || globalThis.mozRTCPeerConnection ||
RTCSessionDescription: globalThis.RTCSessionDescription ||
globalThis.mozRTCSessionDescription || globalThis.webkitRTCSessionDescription,
RTCIceCandidate: globalThis.RTCIceCandidate || globalThis.mozRTCIceCandidate ||
if (!wrtc.RTCPeerConnection) return null
return wrtc
Then I thought the construct2 multiplayer plugin was using RTC, and is construct3 still using RTC?
And after studying the codes, I found out that RTC is used in the multiplayer construct 3 plugin
But it has done so using the window
I request that you provide public access to the use of RTC in plug-ins