How can I replace "this.instance_vars" method?

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  • I'm porting Globals 2.0 plugin to the C3Runtime, and I faced the next problem.

    In Construct 2 SDK was "this.instance_vars" method. Using this method, you can get an array of values ​​of the object's instance variables. Using JSON.stringify(this.instance_vars) it looks like this:

    But Construct 3 SDK doesn't have this method. You can only get the count of instance variables and their values by index. The Globals plugin uses this method to store the values ​​of instance variables as a JSON string (as in the image above).

    How to solve this problem?

  • You can only get the count of instance variables and their values by index.

    You can use that to make an array.

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  • I tried to implement this with an array and the values ​​in the array were set. But only at the start of the layout.

    How to check if the values ​​of instance variables have changed, and if they changed, set the values ​​in the array to the values of instance variables.

    Here is my code in c3runtime/instance.js:

    	this.instance_vars = [];
    	this.defaultVarsValues = "";
    	for (let i = 0; i < this.GetInstance().GetInstanceVariableCount(); i++)
    		this.instance_vars[i] = this.GetInstance().GetInstanceVariableValue(i);
    		this.defaultVarsValues = JSON.stringify(this.instance_vars);
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