Is there a way we can get Access to the complete array data structure? with the dictionary version we can get the complete map? can we have the same thing for array? some like instance.GetArray() - / instance.SetArray(3darray) * this should probably also update the size based on the passed in array?
so the reason i'm asking for this is, it seems like there if you needed to pass that array around to a 3rd party js lib? or some other js functions that take an array as a param i would first have to iterate the array and create a copy on the fly, then i pass it in to the whatever js function, have some operation on it which then returns the modified array, then in order to set the array back you have to then iterate one more time to then set each value separately.
so i did a proof of concept, using an external js lib pretty much takes an array as a param and spits a shuffled array (i mean i could write the shuffling logic myself in the plugin, but if i wanted to create a wrapper for an external lib this might be helpful);
for(var i = 0; i<width; i++) {temp.push(instance.At(i,0,0));}
var temp = this.chance.shuffle(temp);
for(var i = 0; i<width; i++) {instance.Set(i,0,0,temp);}
here is how the same logic can be done using the private reference to the array, which seems cleaner.
here we are just replacing the array reference.
var newArr = this.chance.shuffle(instance._arr);
instance._arr = newArr;
Is there any reason, why we can't have access to proper array data structure?