A simple PHP paypal plugin that covers multiple platforms such as WEB/html5 Android, and IOS.
Here only explain the important part.
Source code:
c3addon action:
Create order, and Capture payment for order.
Test export Web: c3plugin.000webhostapp.com/web_html5
Email: sb-u43dnk29681939pnt@personal.example.com
Password: ij4=%T+^
Get PHP code:
Other details and documentation such as the video below.
Some documentation is available at file.c3p.
Set up free, or paid hosting depending on your needs, in the video using free hosting.
Set up free hosting
Testing the plugin
Confirming the plugin
Testing on Web, android and c3 reviewer platforms.
Next release Subscriptions
Next release Save transactions to firebase realtime database.
c3addon event: Payment Lifecycle