This is a list of features not documentation.
Logic, Reference layout, functions and conditions,
created based on
example tool logic
const ts = require('typescript'); // dependency
editor path/instance.ts auto convert path/instance.js
editor path/actions.ts auto convert path/actions.js
Tool 1
- Drag & Drop c3addon files here SDK V2
- Drag & Drop c3addon SDK V1 PORTING TO ADDON SDK V2 (only Plugin singleGlobalPlugin or DOM plugin)
shift + alt + s
Editor auto this._triger(
- Editor auto suggestions API c3addon SDK:
- SetDOMSideScripts()
- AddC3RuntimeScript()
- AddRemoteScriptDependency()
- AddCordovaResourceFile()
- AddCordovaPluginReference()
- AddFileDependency()
- SetRuntimeModuleMainScript()
- getDebuggerProperties()
- createLoopingConditionContext()
- runtime.sdk
- triggerAsync()
- DrawMesh()
- setTicking2()
- IRenderer.setBlendMode()
- IRenderer.drawMesh()
- IRenderer.setBlendMode()
- IRendererText.setCssColor()
- ISDKDOMPluginBase._addElementMessageHandlers()
- IAnimationFrame.LoadWebGLTexture()
- GetName()
- GetObjectClassBySID()
- GetInstanceByUID()
- IBehaviorInstance.GetObjectInstance()
- GetExternalSdkInstance()
- SetScriptInterfaceNames()
- SetTypeScriptDefinitionFiles()
- IProject.GetProjectFileByExportPath(path)
- runtime.sdk.getObjectClassBySid()
- SetTypeScriptDefinitionFiles()
- Auto Backup Remove Addon
- Auto Backup Remove ACE
- Auto Backup Remove ACE Params
C3addon build Group
- Update addon version
- Build Addon
Server Group
- Custom Port (8000 - 8999)
- Update port
- Start All Server list localhost:randomPort/addonName/addon.json
- Stop All server
GitHub Group
- Repositories c3addon Name Readonly
- Url c3addon Repositories
- Create c3addon GitHub Repository
- Add c3addon Project to Repository
- Push c3addon to Repository
shift + alt + c
- GPT Open AI Chat
- Gemini AI Chat
Tool 2
Tool 3
- Create New Android Keystore
- Generate SHA Key
Hash Algorithm
Tool 4
Double-click the file to be edited.
- Pannel editor on the right
- Add File
- Add Folder
- Save
- Move folder/file (drag and drop)
- Delete project/file
Language: Editor
- java
- koltin
- objctive-c
- swift
- js
- ts
- json
- html
- css