[C3-Runtime][Plugin] Motivational Quotes

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  • Strani Anelli - Motivational Quotes

    Get and create motivational quotes. Shows a motivation quote when you launch Construct 3. Provide a random motivational quote in your personal project.



    This plugin has two parts:

    1. the first shows a motivation quote when you launch Construct 3.
    2. the second provide a random motivational quote in your personal project

    It's possible to set 3 sources for the random quotes:

    1. the plugin's library
    2. a project file in your own project
    3. a json file from another site

    In the example file I show how to use all the 3 methods. The external source is set on FreeCodeCamp repository but you can customize it.



    -> System: Set newQuote to MotivationalQuotes.GetQuoteJSON (as JSON)

    -> quote: Set text to MotivationalQuotes.GetQuoteFromJSON(newQuote)

    -> author: Set text to MotivationalQuotes.GetAuthorFromJSON(newQuote)

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